For You - free downloads to guide and encourage your spiritual formation.


Build A Relationship

I Do Daily is a resource for intentional time, space, and interactions between you and your Creator. Making a meaningful morning routine can be a life changer. If you’re disengaged, bored, or have no idea where to begin building a relationship with Jesus, this guide offers simple intentions and fresh ideas. Download your Free Copy Here.

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Love who you are. Know who God is and LIVE WIDE AWAKE

Would you say you know God or know about God? How well do you know yourself? Who are the guides that speak into your life? Knowing God and knowing yourself influences the way you live your life and love others.

In Live Wide Awake is a spiritual formation guide teaching where you’ll learn to pay attention to what’s going on around and inside you. You’ll learn to ask questions of yourself, of others, and of the Living Word. And You’ll learn to hear, dig, wonder, accept, let go, stand up, speak up, live wide awake.

Live Wide Awake is perfect for personal use or group study. Get the First Chapter Free!